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The IKI at the Federal Government Open Day

The IKI's information stand at the Foreign Office.

Well-attended IKI information stands, interesting talks with the ‘big shots’, fun activities for the little ones – and a visit from the State Secretary

This year, the International Climate Initiative (IKI) showcased its activities at the Open Day held by the Federal Government at the Environment Ministry and – for the first time – at the Foreign Office.

The ‘Your contribution to environmental and climate action’ campaign proved to be a good talking-point for families. And while the kids were busy with their colouring books and arts and crafts, the adults got a chance to check out the IKI.

There was a lot of interest shown by visitors in the IKI's work, with the questions ranging from ‘What is the IKI, exactly?’ to ‘Could you give me a brief summary of the government’s current foreign policy on climate?’

Football for forests!

At the information stand in the Foreign Office, the IKI also presented the Football4Forests project, which uses the passion for football to accelerate the #GenerationRestoration movement – and inspires young people to get involved in protecting forests. And there was obviously a chance to actually play some football at the Open Day! 

In the middle of things at the BMUV

Instead of goal-shooting practice, ‘Collecting pearls’ was on the agenda at the Environment Ministry. In a treasure hunt across the event venue – including the IKI stand – the kids taking part had to complete various tasks to collect pearls for an armband, while learning a few things about environmental protection and climate change mitigation. And State Secretary Christiane Rohleder also visited the IKI stand to find out more about the latest developments in the funding programme.

‘Your contribution to environmental and climate action’

The IKI's arts and crafts workshop, which was set up at both Open Day events, was a complete success. The little artists were really enthusiastic about making their ‘contribution to environmental and climate action’.


IKI Office Zukunft – Umwelt – Gesellschaft (ZUG) gGmbH Stresemannstr. 69 - 71
10963 Berlin
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International Climate Initiative (IKI)

Two indigenous women in traditional clothing are climbing up a hill.
