Copyright: ZUG
We are currently seeking for project proposals aimed at decarbonising industry, combating deforestation and facilitating adaptation to climate change.
As part of the Paris Agreement in 2015, the international community agreed that all countries must reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, wealthier nations should support economically weaker ones in this endeavour. This creates a win-win situation for everyone, as fewer floods, storms or droughts result in less damage to infrastructure and fewer losses in agriculture, among other benefits. This not only saves human lives but also helps to secure trade partnerships and livelihoods.
A similar principle applies to biodiversity conservation. Preserving and protecting biodiversity helps strengthen healthy ecosystems such as the Brazilian rainforest, which contributes to a stable global climate. The Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) for the conservation of biological diversity was affirmed in 2022.
The objectives of the Paris Agreement and the Global Biodiversity Framework form the global framework on which the International Climate Initiative (IKI) strategically focuses its funding.
IKI Country Call Brazil begins on 7 March 2024
In light of the global objectives outlined in both agreements, the bilateral funding referred to as "IKI Country Call with Brazil" is scheduled for launch on Thursday, 7 March 2024. In this country call funding format, the IKI collaboratively develops the key topics with the respective partner government, spanning from definition of the topics to project selection and implementation support.
In the first phase of the funding call, planned as an ideas competition, project ideas are sought in three key thematic priorities. The most promising outlines will be selected, developed and funded under each of the following thematic priority:
- Decarbonisation of emission-intensive industrial sectors: Brazil’s industry has great potential to reduce emissions, in particular in the steel and cement sectors. The IKI will support the transition to climate-friendly production methods in both sectors - thus contributing to the implementation of Brazil's nationally determined contribution (NDC).
- Combating deforestation in the Brazilian biomes of Cerrado, Caatinga, Pantanal, Atlantic Rainforest and Pampa: Brazil has committed to conserving its forests and achieving “zero deforestation” by 2030. The IKI will support the development and implementation of relevant action plans. The goal is, among others, to offer financial incentives for the protection of the climate and biodiversity, to promote the sustainable use of biodiversity and to strengthen and expand protected areas.
- Adaptation to climate change in vulnerable urban areas: Whether heavy rainfall or heat, the consequences of climate change are already noticeable worldwide. Cities and their population frequently suffer particularly from the severe effects. The IKI will therefore develop and test solutions in Brazil in the fields of ecosystem-based adaptation and develop precautions to prevent disasters - and will work closely on this with the local population and relevant stakeholders.
Achieving maximum impact for climate action and biodiversity conservation
The German government aims to maximise the impact of its funding through the IKI for climate and biodiversity protection. To achieve this goal, it focuses its funding on selected partner countries and prioritised fields of action:
Brazil is one of 14 priority countries of the IKI. These priority countries make up almost 50 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions and host 25 of the global biodiversity hotspots. This means that IKI projects may be particularly effective in these areas.
The three key thematic priorities identified for the Country Call Brazil are also among the prioritised fields of action outlined in the IKI strategy 2030.
Details on the IKI Country Call Brazil
The ideas competition for the IKI Country Call Brazil begins on 7 March 2024 and ends on 28 May 2024.
Applications are open to non-governmental organisations, universities, research institutions and commercial companies (in the non-profit-making sector) from Germany and abroad. Additionally implementing organisations of the Federal Republic of Germany, institutions in the partner countries, and international intergovernmental organisations and institutions are eligible to apply.