With the launch of the IKI Medium Grants, ZUG manages a new climate protection funding programme of the BMU for global North-South cooperation, which supports global climate and biodiversity protection in developing and emerging countries.
At the UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid today, the Federal Environment Ministry, together with the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), presented its new support programme for local projects that protect the climate and biodiversity.
It focuses on supporting small organisations and initiatives in developing countries. The programme’s goal is to select, by 2025, more than 100 "small" projects through international calls for proposals which will be awarded a grant of up to 100,000 euros each. GIZ is responsible for the new IKI Small Grants and for its coordination. The funds are provided by the International Climate Initiative.
Small organisations provide key impetus for climate action and, in many cases, their work reaches regions that are not a focus of national government measures. The goal of this new programme is to promote innovative ideas, adapted to the local conditions and needs, that aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and to promote the establishment of weather-resilient and climate-resilient infrastructures in municipalities and regions. One key element of the prerequisites for this funding are social aspects of structural change and supporting women. The new programme aims to strengthen the capacities of small organisations. Regular calls for proposals will be carried out to find the best ideas. In addition to the small projects, the IKI Small Grants programme will also support funds in IKI partner countries so they can set up their own support programmes for climate action and biodiversity.
IKI Small Grants was set up in response to the fact that the IKI’s current structure means it primarily funds large projects and programmes. In the first quarter of 2020, the IKI will also launch the IKI Medium Grants programme, geared towards German NGOs and think tanks in developing countries. It will provide up to 800,000 euros for medium-sized projects that will carry out model projects with a demonstration character in a north-south exchange. Annual calls for proposals will focus on different areas. Zukunft – Umwelt – Gesellschaft (ZUG) gGmbh will be in charge of the IKI Medium Grants.